Are you questioning what a high protein diet can do for you, then read on. There is a cap on how little or how much protein is enough in any daily diet.
The advice from The USDA Food Guide Pyramid is an person should get two to three servings of a meat product and two to three servings of milk products every day. You must keep your consumption of fat extremely low. While eating meat, it is important to keep the serving size of meat to only 3 or 4 ounces. The size is generally compared to the size of a deck of cards. Get in a single cup of milk per day and consume 2 ounces of cheese a day. They are the essentials to keeping your body healthy.
Whey Protein Diet
Recommended Protein Intake
You may well be wondering just how much protein does your body need? Not to worry, plenty of people who live in 1st and 2nd world countries get their fair share of protein. A large amount get too much protein in their diet. Too little protein or excessive protein is never good. An average adult only needs eight grams of protein per 20 pounds or 9.1 kilos of body mass. If you calculate this out, it comes in approximately 45 to seventy grams of protein daily for many adult females and males. However if you really sit down and take a look at the amount of protein you take in daily, many will eat two times as much.
The foundation and building block for your body is Protein. For the muscle tissue, this is the leading part and is important for the creation of cells. Your immune system is strongly coupled to protein. A weak immune system may very well be treated with a simple increase in low carb protein. If you are susceptible to allergies, infection, and disease, then you might have a protein deficiency. If you are going into the hospital for an kind of surgical procedure, a wound, or burn, protein will aid in the quick repair of tissue. It is important in the healing process.
The saying, "An apple a day helps keep the doctor away" is merely half true. Our bodies need much more than just an apple. We'd like a variety of foods each day to stay healthy. Meat is the most common form of protein intake. Yet milk and egg whites are also rich in good proteins. Egg whites is recommended to possess the most complete proteins and a favorite with body builders. Along with good protein you will discover bad fats. To reduce the intake of these bad fats it is recommended to get rid of the yoke from your food and only consume the egg whites. Purchase meat which is lean and low in fat content. Food preparation should include only oils low in fat or try baking, broiling, barbecuing, or boiling your meats. This can provide a delicious meal without the additional fat that could cause harm to your body.
Protein For Vegetarians
For those that are Vegans or Vegetarians do not worry, you may also get adequate protein in your diet. Beans and lentils as well as a variety of vegetables and grains are high in protein. Mixing beans with other greens and grains will easily complete an adequate protein daily intake. Yet, for body builders, meat provides a few more benefits that cannot be found in any other food. Meat provides natural Creatine. Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to muscle.
If you are ingestion a large amount of protein, then your system is going to call for loads of calcium to keep up with your consumption. One bad side effect of eating a lot of protein is bone weakening.
Why Does Protein Cause Bone Weakening?
Bone strength and even bone loss is tied to calcium. A lack of calcium means weak bones. When you intake too much protein, your body responses by increasing urination. Along with removing the waste from your body, it also removes badly needed calcium. So essentially you are urinating all your calcium away. At this point you need to increase your levels of calcium. Yet too much calcium can cause other problems for the body. Your best bet is too balance out your diet and only ingest the recommended intake of protein, unless otherwise recommended by your doctor or trainer.
For those that are body building, training to tone your body, very active or play a lot of sports, you may need a more protein. Supplements tend to provide a very high concentration of proteins that are targeted for a certain activity. They provide a protein benefit that is hard to achieve when ingestion just foods. Whey proteins were made for such a thing. Many of today's proteins mix in the right amount of calcium to keep your body in balance.